When rubbish flowers in a cemetery

May 20, 2009

She arrives

She sings a song of love and longing,
She sings a tune of beauty;
A breeze sometimes, sometimes a wind, or storm breaks into her body.

Lightening shines to show her the path and thunder announces her arrival,
the clouds all form an arch to welcome, birds sing tunes heartily.

Trees sway and dance in joy and squirrels scamper busily
Along with bees they hurry away for celebration and revelry.

Children come out and play hide and seek, their screams of glee are heard
The thunder scares them but they return, and jump in anticipation.

All eyes turn to the sky as the wind stops for a moment
lightening lights up eager eyes;
And finally she smiles at the welcome she gets
Giving away her gift of respite
A rainbow grins as well from the sky
Monsoon has arrived.


1 comment:

Joe Pinto said...

My dear nm+,

The monsoon clouds,
bear gifts of joy.
We await their coming.

Warm regards,
- Joe.