When rubbish flowers in a cemetery

July 11, 2007

Of solitude and space

Today I got my little space in the window of fleeting thoughts about the world in general. This is what solitude gives you. The luxury of being yourself. I rubbish the saying of an idle mind is a devil's workshop. Rather it is the garden where refuse translates into the most beautiful of flowers.

Ever wondered why cemeteries have the most beautiful of flowers growing? they lie on the huge heap of life's rubbish, the garbage that life leaves to its dead body. Where the dead have all the space and solitude they want to ponder over their lives and there blooms the freshest of springs.

1 comment:

vinaya said...

very profound.....
there is an element which is true to an extent of being cruel.....
kahitari ahe, je thet kaljala bhidta.....which turns words into experience...
thanks for an experience of a restless mind