When rubbish flowers in a cemetery

July 15, 2007

Of Love and 'Les Miserables'

Sometime what is written about love is beyond mush and sweet nothings. It is deep, profound. Some references of love in Les Miserables by Victor Hugo are such. And when told by someone you love, it acquires a different meaning. That's when you realise its meaning, which is different from reading - because here you experience it. This is what touched me.

"I met in the street a very poor man who was in love. His hat was old, his clothes were torn. There were holes at his elbows. The water passed through his shoes and stars through his soul!"

"To reduce the universe to a single being, to raise that being almost to the level of god, this is love."

"Certain thoughts of love are prayers. There are moments when whatever be the attitude of the body, the soul is on its knees!"

"Woe alas! to him who shall have loved bodies, forms, appearances.Death will take all from him. Try to love souls, you shall find them again."

And my most favourite sentence. It says so much in so few words...

"You who suffer because you love, love still more to die of love, is to live by it."

1 comment:

अवधूत डोंगरे said...

I found HUGO here. Many Many Thanks.